Our priority is 100% client satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with the services given, we will return your money, provided that the reasons are real and proven after an investigation. Please read the fine print of any deal before purchasing it, since it contains all of the information regarding the services or products you purchase.
Bookings can be canceled up to 10 days before the booking date. You will see a cancel option in the 'My Booking' part of your account's main menu, and then choose the item or order you want to cancel. If you are unable to cancel the booking through the 'My Booking' section or are unable to contact us, you may refuse it at the time of delivery, and a refund will be issued to the source account if the order amount was paid online. A booking cannot be cancelled within 9 days of the booking date. Once any Safari or Dhikala Night Stay has been confirmed, there will be no refund of the upfront amount.
Refund Policy
Clients have the right to cancel their products/services and obtain a refund if we fail to provide them. Refunds will be made to the original source account used at the time of purchase. According to the Returns Policy, once the return is begun, the refund amount should be reflected in the customer's account within 5 business days.